Whenever we get asked this question, what is the common response you give? If you are like most Brisbane people, I bet your common response is with, “I’m fine; how are you?”
BUT is this true? Are you really fine? Do you feel lean, energetic, refreshed, positive, healthy and AMAZIING?
The typical Brisbane friend doesn’t feel great or AMAZING!!!. In fact, the typical Brisbane friend doesn’t even feel fine. You see, most Brisbane Adults are tired, achy, stressed to the point of borderline anxiety/depressed and have trouble thinking clearly, and sleeping at night. These are all signs that our bodies are sick and unhealthy. Sick, in fact, is the new Brisbane normal. Most Brisbane adults may be so used to feeling poorly, that they do not even realize how bad they actually feel – ie they begin to feel immune to feeling sick!!!
In my previous Article Blog we looked at the Is Your Diet Making You Tox(sick)? What it is doing to the health not only Brisbane, but around the world as well. The ‘normal,’ Brisbane Western diet rich in low-quality meats, bad fats and trans fat, high dairy, high processed foods and low in fresh and colorful fruits, vegetables, fibre and complex carbohydrates is tox(sick). And it doesn’t stop there, because that toxic load is further increased by our breathing of polluted air, utilisation of toxic personal care products that deliver chemicals via our skin. The end result - our bodies have no chance to cope with this tox(sick) load… so we get sick. And we are lead to believe that getting sick is ‘normal’ and ‘just fine’!!!
The evidence that we currently live in such a high tox(sick) Brisbane City, is easy to see with the explosion of many preventable, chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and even certain cancers that plague our local environment.
As a Brisbane Personal Trainer and Health conscious professional, the thing I find most frustrating and sad is the many of these diseases have early warning signs before they manifest themselves fully. These early warning signs can be felt via notable symptoms. They even may be what is keeping you from reaching your fitness goals. You see, ff your default health meter is set on ‘poor,’ chances are, you are not going to feel like exercising consistently!
The Exciting News
The exciting news is that the way we can get out of our toxic lives is by simply stripping back what we have done to get ourselves into this situation. More specifically, this means reducing the toxic load that we place on our bodies. WE CAN end the attack of toxins that are battering our bodies (through harsh personal care products and unhealthy foods) and instead feed our bodies with the nutrients that encourage cleansing and inner wellbeing. We can reset our body so that it functions at its peak, protects us more resourcefully from illness and helps us feel healthy, energetic, alive and more Amazing than we have felt in years.
This is the process of detoxification. Detoxification is about allowing our body to recover and repair from inflammation and stress through an active cleanse diet program.
What we do know is we need food to stay alive… Right?... We also know that quality of food is important because we wouldn’t feed sweets and junk foods to our babies… You see, we just get slack over time.. It’s should be quite obvious that the food we eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest type of poison we give our bodies. So by making changes to our diet, we can give our body a real opportunity chance to recover, because our bodies have amazing healing capacities. But don’t take this too far, they have to be given the tools to work with – good quality nutrient rich food. There is no doubt, as you begin changing the way you eat, you will notice that you will simply feel better and the longer you eat toxic free, you will feel amazing!!!.
Will you lose weight and get leaner? Almost certainly. I know you don’t want to hear this, but the weight loss should be a secondary bonus compared to increases in energy, reduction in aches and pains and better mental clarity.
When kick starting a Detox Program, the first step we need to take is stop the ‘garbage in’ habit. The means reducing or eliminating our intake of the big offending foods, such as, wrong unhealthy fats, dairy, refined flours/grains and dangerous sugars and processed/packages foods. We then need to shift our focus on eating more lean meats, vegetables, fruits, fibre-rich (gluten free) complex carbohydrates, and really good fats and oils.
With your diet being one part of the equation, in addition, consider switching to personal care products that are natural and do not contain ingredients that can deliver toxins through the skin, as anything we rub on our skin can be absorbed into our bloodstream. So select your products carefully.
Finally, here is a small list of foods that I find particularly useful for cleansing my body during a detox. I suggest to add the following ingredients to a detox diet or any diet:
1. Greens: Greens such as broccoli, spinach, leafy green vegetables are powerful healers for the body. They are not only great antioxidant sources for the body, but the chlorophyll in them can assist the body to clear itself of heavy metals and pesticides that have built up. Don’t hesitate to incorporate a Green Drink into your nutrition plan (blend is better than juicing).
2. Lemons and limes: Because the liver needs a good cleanse, these citrus fruits can help it detox, because they pack a full punch of vitamin C - which is a potent detoxifying vitamin. At the beginning of each day, squeeze these citrus fruits in a glass of filtered water.
3. Garlic: Garlic aids in detoxification by stimulating the liver to produce enzymes that will assist in the filtration of poisonous deposit from your digestive tract. Garlic can be added in foods and soups by being minced, sliced, roasted, boiled or raw (for the game).
4. Probiotics: A big part of detoxifying your body is about maximizing your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients from the healthy foods that you eat. If your ‘gut’ (digestive tract) is not functioning well, this will mean you will not benefit from the efforts of healthy eating. That is why we need to replenish the good microbes that live in our gut. A good probiotic supplement will work… If you would like to know the best brand, let me know, and I will guide you to it…
5. Soluble fibre: Soluble fibre is great because it mops up toxic residue in our system (not to mention how it helps reduce cholesterol) by assisting the body for its elimination. Great sources of soluble fibre are non-starchy veggies and fruits that include eating the skin (don’t worry about grains).
So next time someone asks you “How you feeling”.. You are going to say “1 feel Amazing”!
By the way, if you’d like to learn more about detoxing and elimination dieting for health check out our 21-Day Spring Challenge. A done for you program with full Support provided…
Starts Tues 23rd September 2014
(Runs over 6 weeks - start 21 Day Challenge anytime during this period)
Join Us Today in the HEALTH AND FITNESS Australia 21-Day Nutrition Rebalance and Spring Clean Challenge and
Take Control of Your Health, Get Leaner and Feel Amazing for Just $29! (Normally $99)
Click Here For More Details and To Book