I know I’ve mentioned this heaps of times - you should be eating protein with every meal. So How Much Protein Is Enough Each Day? Healthy adults should aim for around 50 grams - obviously this may vary depending on ones goal and/or personal situation. Just before I share with you these 10 Great Healthy Options, I want to remind you of my recent blog about soy - is it good or bad... If you haven't read it, it may seriously shock you... click here to read it before you continue. |
So here are a bunch of healthy protein ideas to add variety into your weekly meal plan. These are in no specific order…
1. Free Range Eggs (Organic) - Whole egg, not just the white - yolk is actually the most nutrient dense portion of the egg, providing a ton of vitamins and minerals.. Free Range eggs also have better Omega 3 density, which is one of the key elements that can go missing if you are on a vegetarian diet.
2. Quinoa - Unlike many sources of vegetarian protein, quinoa contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a "complete protein". Just one cup of cooked quinoa contains 18 grams of protein, as well as nine grams of fibre. Great to add with any salads, patties, meatballs and omelettes...
3. Shrimp - Grill 'em up, or sautee them in some organic butter or extra virgin olive oil or ghee. Mix with veggies, salads,
stir-fry's, patties and enjoy.
4. Raw Nuts – Raw nuts (not the roasted wrongly salted ones), including almonds, walnuts and pecans all contain high levels of protein, as well as high good fats. Not too many as high in calories, but they're great as a post-workout or occasional snack, additional to salads and smoothies or healthy deserts.
5. Salmon and Wild Fish (non farmed) - Salmon is an awesome fatty fish containing loads of protein and a healthy dose of super-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Ensure the Salmon and any fish you eat is from the sea and not farmed and grain fed. If you don't know why you MUST read my recent blog - click here!!
6. Free Range Chicken - Super convenient and great for those quick simple meals. Look for the free range option and non grain fed. Great with roasted stir-fry’s, salads, soups, stocks, kebabs, oven baked, meatballs, patties…
7. Ground Turkey - Super lean and go Nitrite / Nitrate free if getting cold meat version. Great with roasted stir-fry’s, salads, soups, stocks, kebabs, oven baked, meatballs, patties…
8. Beans - Broad beans, black beans, kidney beans, red beans, lentils and the list goes on and on are actually one the best non meat protein source. Low glycemic (GI), high in fibre. Add it to any other meal – salads, dips, soups, sides, patties…
9. Grass-fed Beef - Grass fed beef is rich in conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), a special fat that has actually been shown to result in fat LOSS. ABSOLUTELY NO GRAIN FED - THIS CAN REALLY AFFECT YOUR HEALTH. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW!!
10. Natural Organic Yogurt. Natural yogurt is packed with protein. Go with the plain non fat reduced variety and sweeten with stevia for sweet or use it for savoury too…Smoothies, with fruit and great for making some awesome dips too.
The many of hundreds of clients that know me well, I am really particular when it comes to Protein Powders and Protien Bars. For nearly 3 years I have not recommended any until I was 100% comfortable. GUESS WHAT? After long-term research I have found the best in the Global Market - 100% NATURAL, GRASS FED, ENZYME ACTIVE. If you'd like to know more or give it a try, get in contact with me..
5-7 OUT OF THE 10 PROTEIN IDEAS are perfect for vegetarian diet... You see, most people, when they first
convert to a vegetarian diet tend to live on salads and processed vegetarian foods. Not that there is anything wrong with salads, but you can still be creative with other meals too. As far as processed foods, be careful what you are eating especially soy based products - read my recent article why you should BEWARE OF SOY!!!
Although I'm not vegetarian, I really do enjoy some really nice vegetarian meals. So here are a few tips to consider:
* vegetarian recipes do not have to be complicated to taste great
* many vegetarian processed foods are not healthy
* most non-vegetarian meals can be converted to vegetarian by swapping foods, especially proteins
* a vegetarian diet can be as diverse as a non-vegetarian diet,
* healthy food does not have to be boring
* SERIOUSLY - I would throw out the processed veggie burgers, veggie hot dogs and veggie chicken. There's a better,
healthier way to eat.
* One of the secrets to creating quick and satisfying meals that even meat eaters will love, is to use fresh, organic, or locally
grown produce
* Steer away from Tofu and all soy based foods - read my recent article why you should BEWARE OF SOY!!!
1. Free Range Eggs (Organic) - Whole egg, not just the white - yolk is actually the most nutrient dense portion of the egg, providing a ton of vitamins and minerals.. Free Range eggs also have better Omega 3 density, which is one of the key elements that can go missing if you are on a vegetarian diet.
2. Quinoa - Unlike many sources of vegetarian protein, quinoa contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a "complete protein". Just one cup of cooked quinoa contains 18 grams of protein, as well as nine grams of fibre. Great to add with any salads, patties, meatballs and omelettes...
3. Shrimp - Grill 'em up, or sautee them in some organic butter or extra virgin olive oil or ghee. Mix with veggies, salads,
stir-fry's, patties and enjoy.
4. Raw Nuts – Raw nuts (not the roasted wrongly salted ones), including almonds, walnuts and pecans all contain high levels of protein, as well as high good fats. Not too many as high in calories, but they're great as a post-workout or occasional snack, additional to salads and smoothies or healthy deserts.
5. Salmon and Wild Fish (non farmed) - Salmon is an awesome fatty fish containing loads of protein and a healthy dose of super-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Ensure the Salmon and any fish you eat is from the sea and not farmed and grain fed. If you don't know why you MUST read my recent blog - click here!!
6. Free Range Chicken - Super convenient and great for those quick simple meals. Look for the free range option and non grain fed. Great with roasted stir-fry’s, salads, soups, stocks, kebabs, oven baked, meatballs, patties…
7. Ground Turkey - Super lean and go Nitrite / Nitrate free if getting cold meat version. Great with roasted stir-fry’s, salads, soups, stocks, kebabs, oven baked, meatballs, patties…
8. Beans - Broad beans, black beans, kidney beans, red beans, lentils and the list goes on and on are actually one the best non meat protein source. Low glycemic (GI), high in fibre. Add it to any other meal – salads, dips, soups, sides, patties…
9. Grass-fed Beef - Grass fed beef is rich in conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), a special fat that has actually been shown to result in fat LOSS. ABSOLUTELY NO GRAIN FED - THIS CAN REALLY AFFECT YOUR HEALTH. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW!!
10. Natural Organic Yogurt. Natural yogurt is packed with protein. Go with the plain non fat reduced variety and sweeten with stevia for sweet or use it for savoury too…Smoothies, with fruit and great for making some awesome dips too.
The many of hundreds of clients that know me well, I am really particular when it comes to Protein Powders and Protien Bars. For nearly 3 years I have not recommended any until I was 100% comfortable. GUESS WHAT? After long-term research I have found the best in the Global Market - 100% NATURAL, GRASS FED, ENZYME ACTIVE. If you'd like to know more or give it a try, get in contact with me..
5-7 OUT OF THE 10 PROTEIN IDEAS are perfect for vegetarian diet... You see, most people, when they first
convert to a vegetarian diet tend to live on salads and processed vegetarian foods. Not that there is anything wrong with salads, but you can still be creative with other meals too. As far as processed foods, be careful what you are eating especially soy based products - read my recent article why you should BEWARE OF SOY!!!
Although I'm not vegetarian, I really do enjoy some really nice vegetarian meals. So here are a few tips to consider:
* vegetarian recipes do not have to be complicated to taste great
* many vegetarian processed foods are not healthy
* most non-vegetarian meals can be converted to vegetarian by swapping foods, especially proteins
* a vegetarian diet can be as diverse as a non-vegetarian diet,
* healthy food does not have to be boring
* SERIOUSLY - I would throw out the processed veggie burgers, veggie hot dogs and veggie chicken. There's a better,
healthier way to eat.
* One of the secrets to creating quick and satisfying meals that even meat eaters will love, is to use fresh, organic, or locally
grown produce
* Steer away from Tofu and all soy based foods - read my recent article why you should BEWARE OF SOY!!!
Vegetarians Must Watch Out for these Deficiencies
1. Iron - can be divided into two variations, heme iron (most common in red meat and absorbs easiest into the body, making it the variety most vegetarians fall short in) and non-heme iron (most common in many vegetable-based foods including: Dark, leafy greens like spinach, Dried peas, Beans and lentils, Artichokes, Dried fruit: raisins, prunes, and black currents). Females are more likely to experience iron-deficiency anemia due to losing iron during their menstrual cycle. Research shows that non-heme iron alone is unable to overcome iron-deficiency anemia, so supplementation should be considered.
2. Calcium - is vital in maintaining dense and strong bones, while being crucial in muscular contractions. Low calcium intake may be the cause of cramping during workouts, hindering performance and ability. Long-term, calcium deficiency may lead to thinning of the bones and osteoporosis. While dietary calcium is well known to be found in dairy-rich foods, so there are alternate sources of calcium such as: Spinach, Collard greens, Broccoli, Almonds.
3. Zinc - is an essential for growth and development across the body. Deficiencies can impact everything from appetite, to
cognitive power and motor skills, as well as testosterone levels in men. While the best zinc sources are generally derived from animal products, vegetarians can seek them form the following natural sources: Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Almonds, walnuts, or macadamia nut, oatmeal or cereals.
4. Vitamin B12 - is key for brain and nervous system functioning, so it can be quite a serious deficiency. While Vitamin B12 found in animal-based sources is said to be adsorbed a lot more efficiently, Vitamin B12 is the one vitamin that is available only from fish, poultry, meat or dairy sources in food, as no known fruit an vegetables (although small quantities are said to be found in seaweed). Supplementation, eggs, yoghurt, cheese may be the alternative options
In summary, no matter whether you are a meat eater or vegetarian, protein is an essential part of a healthy diet and the great thing is you can be creative in mixing and matching your protein options with many recipes... If you are looking for some really cool meals and meal plans, why not consider our 21 Days Detox Challenge...
1. Iron - can be divided into two variations, heme iron (most common in red meat and absorbs easiest into the body, making it the variety most vegetarians fall short in) and non-heme iron (most common in many vegetable-based foods including: Dark, leafy greens like spinach, Dried peas, Beans and lentils, Artichokes, Dried fruit: raisins, prunes, and black currents). Females are more likely to experience iron-deficiency anemia due to losing iron during their menstrual cycle. Research shows that non-heme iron alone is unable to overcome iron-deficiency anemia, so supplementation should be considered.
2. Calcium - is vital in maintaining dense and strong bones, while being crucial in muscular contractions. Low calcium intake may be the cause of cramping during workouts, hindering performance and ability. Long-term, calcium deficiency may lead to thinning of the bones and osteoporosis. While dietary calcium is well known to be found in dairy-rich foods, so there are alternate sources of calcium such as: Spinach, Collard greens, Broccoli, Almonds.
3. Zinc - is an essential for growth and development across the body. Deficiencies can impact everything from appetite, to
cognitive power and motor skills, as well as testosterone levels in men. While the best zinc sources are generally derived from animal products, vegetarians can seek them form the following natural sources: Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Almonds, walnuts, or macadamia nut, oatmeal or cereals.
4. Vitamin B12 - is key for brain and nervous system functioning, so it can be quite a serious deficiency. While Vitamin B12 found in animal-based sources is said to be adsorbed a lot more efficiently, Vitamin B12 is the one vitamin that is available only from fish, poultry, meat or dairy sources in food, as no known fruit an vegetables (although small quantities are said to be found in seaweed). Supplementation, eggs, yoghurt, cheese may be the alternative options
In summary, no matter whether you are a meat eater or vegetarian, protein is an essential part of a healthy diet and the great thing is you can be creative in mixing and matching your protein options with many recipes... If you are looking for some really cool meals and meal plans, why not consider our 21 Days Detox Challenge...
21 Days Detox Challenge - This is the Simple Solution for Eating a Healthy Elimination Diet That Promotes Fat Loss, Leaner Body and Feel Amazing!!!
By the way, if you’re ready to get started with a workout program that works (and you live in the Brisbane Southside area –
we are located in Stones Corner) drop on by and we will be happy to give you a FREE Personal Training Experience session You can also check out our 21Day Fit & Tone Personal Training Package for $21 on our website.
Of course, if you’re not a local resident you can like our Facebook page to receive all the latest information, knowledge and events as well.
we are located in Stones Corner) drop on by and we will be happy to give you a FREE Personal Training Experience session You can also check out our 21Day Fit & Tone Personal Training Package for $21 on our website.
Of course, if you’re not a local resident you can like our Facebook page to receive all the latest information, knowledge and events as well.
Helfi Joe
Helfi Joe, is the Owner & Chief Fitness Officer of Health and Fitness Australia in Brisbane Southside, located in Stones
Corner. He also runs personal training sessions and group personal training Toning and Cardio sessions at his Personal Training Studio, which is a wonderful alternative to a Brisbane Gym.
Helfi Joe is obviously a fully certified Master personal trainer with the Australian Institute of Fitness, and is fully registered with our governing body Health and Fitness Australia. He also has a background in managing and mentoring people for over 20 years and with such people and personal development experience combined with his technical expertise in health and fitness, you can be rest assured Helfi Joe will give you the best guidance for you goals.
To contact Helfi Joe for training, education or to have him speak at an event please email [email protected].
P.S. – If you enjoyed this post please share it with your friends using the social media buttons below.
P.P.S. – Please ask a question or share a comment with us in the Comment section at the very bottom of the page. We love your feedback and will use it to develop future blog posts.
Helfi Joe, is the Owner & Chief Fitness Officer of Health and Fitness Australia in Brisbane Southside, located in Stones
Corner. He also runs personal training sessions and group personal training Toning and Cardio sessions at his Personal Training Studio, which is a wonderful alternative to a Brisbane Gym.
Helfi Joe is obviously a fully certified Master personal trainer with the Australian Institute of Fitness, and is fully registered with our governing body Health and Fitness Australia. He also has a background in managing and mentoring people for over 20 years and with such people and personal development experience combined with his technical expertise in health and fitness, you can be rest assured Helfi Joe will give you the best guidance for you goals.
To contact Helfi Joe for training, education or to have him speak at an event please email [email protected].
P.S. – If you enjoyed this post please share it with your friends using the social media buttons below.
P.P.S. – Please ask a question or share a comment with us in the Comment section at the very bottom of the page. We love your feedback and will use it to develop future blog posts.