by Helfi Joe, Certified Brisbane Personal Trainer, and Designer: 21 Days Detox Challenge This article is seriously going to shock you... Get ready for this scary statistic... |
In Brisbane today, the average person eating a typical modern western diet consumes approximately 67% of their total caloric intake from only 3 foods -- WHEAT, SOY & CORN (and their by-products).
"By-products" of wheat, corn and soy, are food additives such as:
Do you know what would be a reasonably healthy amount of wheat, soy & corn in our diet?
Based on natural diet of our ancestors and what there digestive systems were programmed to digest most effectively (and still is today), this would probably be in the range of about 1% to 4% CAPPED of our total calories from wheat, soy & corn.
Considering that the modern Brisbane health and fitness person is eating 67% of their total calories from wheat, soy & corn... no wonder why there is massive problems in weight, diseases, allergies - we are just not meant to have 67% of our diet on these three macronutrients.
"By-products" of wheat, corn and soy, are food additives such as:
- high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
- corn oil
- soybean oil (hydrogenated or plain refined)
- soy protein
- refined wheat flour
- 100's of related food additives such as maltodextrin, wheat or corn starch, soy lecithin, mono and diglycerides, etc,
Do you know what would be a reasonably healthy amount of wheat, soy & corn in our diet?
Based on natural diet of our ancestors and what there digestive systems were programmed to digest most effectively (and still is today), this would probably be in the range of about 1% to 4% CAPPED of our total calories from wheat, soy & corn.
Considering that the modern Brisbane health and fitness person is eating 67% of their total calories from wheat, soy & corn... no wonder why there is massive problems in weight, diseases, allergies - we are just not meant to have 67% of our diet on these three macronutrients.
Does this surprise anyone when you consider how frequent the current Brisbane diet consists of food that contain wheat, soy and corn hidden in them - soft drinks, marinades, salad dressings, sauces, breads (try find one without soy), cereals, pastas, muffins, processed foods fried or added either fried in soybean or corn oil (such as chips, sweets, cakes, wraps, corn chips, just to name a few! This is a LOT of calories from these 3 macro-foods... can be EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY, blood sugar spiking, nutrient poor excess calories!
Can it get any worse for the Brisbane Health and Fitness conscious person! YES!!!!!!!
It's not just us eating 67% of our total calories from cheap wheat, soy and corn, most of our farm animals that we eat feed off them too. For example, cows and chicken are mostly fed corn and/or soy in crowded factory feedlot farms, even though their digestive systems are not designed to eat them; and this can make them sick as well as alter their omega-3 to unhealthy levels of omega-6's. This means our food chain is becoming even more manipulated and giving us even more of an influx in these 3 dominant foods - so even if you think you are not eating them - CHANCES ARE, YOU ARE!!!
Guess What? It just doesn't stop there...
Brisbane's food supply has gotten even more screwed up that we are eating fish (eg salmon and other farmed fish) fed on corn and soy and wheat... How ludicrous is this, when you think that fish are supposed to eat a diverse diet of smaller fish, worms, bugs, etc. Again this means we may be eating fish that is unhealthy in terms of nutrition compared to naturally wild fed fish.
Bottom-line for us Fit and Healthy (Not as much as we like to think) Brisbane people, we are eating chicken, beef, and fish, with even MORE wheat, soy and corn into our body
So it's actually WORSE than just 67% isn't it?
Bottom-line for us Fit and Healthy (Not as much as we like to think) Brisbane people, we are eating chicken, beef, and fish, with even MORE wheat, soy and corn into our body
So it's actually WORSE than just 67% isn't it?
So you are probably thinking, "Big Deal"...
So, let me tell you why it is so unhealthy to consume 67%of our calories from these 3 foods?
- Weight gain, blood-sugar exaggerated fluctuations, and reduced insulin sensitivity (progressing to diabetes)
- It skews the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats in our diet to as high as 30:1, when it should naturally be ratio of 1:1 to 2:1, causing an massive inflammation in our body, and further causing many diseases, cancer, and weight gain.
- It creates problems with gluten intolerance -- due to heavy wheat direct and indirect diet loads
- Hormone disruptions and imbalances in women, man boobs in some cases in men, and what's been termed "stubborn belly fat" in both sexes, due to "xenoestrogens", from genetically modified soy and corn
So what can we do in Brisbane to avoid all of this unhealthy excessive amount of wheat, soy and corn in our food supply, and finally take control of your weight and become fit and health Brisbane people?
Every time, I suggest this to my clients, they always roll their eyes and become self defeated... I know its everywhere in Brisbane and its hard to avoid, but its not impossible... Here's a few ideas:
1. Simply, control your shopping habits - don't purchase processed foods - especially the ones that horrifically contain them.
2. Choose only 1-ingredient foods such as fruits, veggies, beans, eggs (free range), nuts, seeds, and meats from grass-fed. 3. Go for organic if you can.
4. If you are going to resort to junk foods or processed foods (not recommended), do it on a 1-day per week "cheat day"
but ONLY when planned to eat out... that way, the processed foods aren't in your house to tempt you.
5. Swap most of your carbs from fruits (less so) and veggies (more so) instead of grains like wheat and corn and soy...
Beware not all fruits and veggies are ideal!!!
6. Replace store bought salad dressings, marinades, sauces (that are almost always lathered in unhealthy 3 food oils and
additives) with your own homemade healthy salad dressings with healthy oils and condiments.
7. Avoid unhealthy canola oils too (I'll explain why in future articles)
8. Cut back on cereal, bread, and pasta by having these foods only on "cheat days".
I could go on with more examples, but I think you get the message.
1. Simply, control your shopping habits - don't purchase processed foods - especially the ones that horrifically contain them.
2. Choose only 1-ingredient foods such as fruits, veggies, beans, eggs (free range), nuts, seeds, and meats from grass-fed. 3. Go for organic if you can.
4. If you are going to resort to junk foods or processed foods (not recommended), do it on a 1-day per week "cheat day"
but ONLY when planned to eat out... that way, the processed foods aren't in your house to tempt you.
5. Swap most of your carbs from fruits (less so) and veggies (more so) instead of grains like wheat and corn and soy...
Beware not all fruits and veggies are ideal!!!
6. Replace store bought salad dressings, marinades, sauces (that are almost always lathered in unhealthy 3 food oils and
additives) with your own homemade healthy salad dressings with healthy oils and condiments.
7. Avoid unhealthy canola oils too (I'll explain why in future articles)
8. Cut back on cereal, bread, and pasta by having these foods only on "cheat days".
I could go on with more examples, but I think you get the message.
So... Is my Diet perfect? Well, no of course not! BUT!! More often than not, I follow the rules - that's how I lost 25 kilos and have kept it off...
No body is perfect and there are too many temptations in Brisbane to avoid 100%. However, I'd estimate that my
corn/soy/wheat consumption is no where near to the common 67% for the average Brisbane Health and Fit conscious person. I do this by simply limiting wheat, soy and corn products in my grocery shopping - to minimise temptation.
My awareness is high and I keep my finger on the pulse, and fortunately, I get to guide my clients about this every day being a Brisbane Personal Trainer. Firstly I learnt the knowledge and rules (educated myself) and then I took control of my OWN
health instead of letting big corporations and supermarket chains take my control away.
No body is perfect and there are too many temptations in Brisbane to avoid 100%. However, I'd estimate that my
corn/soy/wheat consumption is no where near to the common 67% for the average Brisbane Health and Fit conscious person. I do this by simply limiting wheat, soy and corn products in my grocery shopping - to minimise temptation.
My awareness is high and I keep my finger on the pulse, and fortunately, I get to guide my clients about this every day being a Brisbane Personal Trainer. Firstly I learnt the knowledge and rules (educated myself) and then I took control of my OWN
health instead of letting big corporations and supermarket chains take my control away.
These So-Called "Healthy Foods" That Are Causing You to Gain More Body Fat, Than You Should?
I can't tell you how many times I've looked at my client's food log and I see their diet LOADED with foods that they think are "healthy" (or have been deceived by clever food labelling coning them into believing they are healthy), but in reality are fat-storing traps in disguise. It's either that or I hear "that was a bad week".
The most common foods I see are:
their weight loss and fat burning efforts, increasing their cravings, throwing their hormones out of whack, and more.
I can't tell you how many times I've looked at my client's food log and I see their diet LOADED with foods that they think are "healthy" (or have been deceived by clever food labelling coning them into believing they are healthy), but in reality are fat-storing traps in disguise. It's either that or I hear "that was a bad week".
The most common foods I see are:
- whole grain breads (with soy)
- whole grain cereals (with soy, sugar and corn syrup)
- whole grain crackers (with soy)
- soymilk (no need to say what)
- tofu or "veggie burgers"(I rest my case)
- orange juice (might as well drink sugar and water)
- apple juice (might as well drink straight sugar and water)
- skim milk (from grain fed cows and no good fats)
- margarine (scary plastic oil)
- pre-packaged "diet" dinners (additives and preservatives - soy, corn and wheat)
- gatorade or other sport drinks (sugar and water)
- protein bars (the wrong type which are candy bars in disguise!)
- overly processed protein powders and meal replacements (not grass fed an no active enzymes)
- diet drinks, sweets, ice creams and yoghurts (with cancer causing artificial sweeteners)
- pasta (especially too regular and wrong time)
- so-called "energy" drinks (full of sugar and crap)
- low-fat foods (low fat = high sugar)
- soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil (do your heart a favour please)
their weight loss and fat burning efforts, increasing their cravings, throwing their hormones out of whack, and more.
21 Days Detox Challenge - This is the Simple Solution for Eating a Healthy Elimination Diet That Promotes Fat Loss, Leaner Body and Feel Amazing!!!
By the way, if you’re ready to get started with a workout program that works (and you live in the Brisbane Southside area – we are located in Stones Corner) drop on by and we will be happy to give you a FREE Personal Training Experience session You can also check out our 21Day Fit & Tone Personal Training Package for $21 on our website.
Of course, if you’re not a local resident you can like our Facebook page to receive all the latest information, knowledge and events as well.
Of course, if you’re not a local resident you can like our Facebook page to receive all the latest information, knowledge and events as well.
Helfi Joe
Helfi Joe, is the Owner & Chief Fitness Officer of Health and Fitness Australia in Brisbane Southside, located in Stones
Corner. He also runs personal training sessions and group personal training Toning and Cardio sessions at his Personal Training Studio, which is a wonderful alternative to a Brisbane Gym.
Helfi Joe is obviously a fully certified Master personal trainer with the Australian Institute of Fitness, and is fully registered with our governing body Health and Fitness Australia. He also has a background in managing and mentoring people for over 20 years and with such people and personal development experience combined with his technical expertise in health and fitness, you can be rest assured Helfi Joe will give you the best guidance for you goals.
To contact Helfi Joe for training, education or to have him speak at an event please email [email protected].
P.S. – If you enjoyed this post please share it with your friends using the social media buttons below.
P.P.S. – Please ask a question or share a comment with us in the Comment section at the very bottom of the page. We love your feedback and will use it to develop future blog posts.
Helfi Joe, is the Owner & Chief Fitness Officer of Health and Fitness Australia in Brisbane Southside, located in Stones
Corner. He also runs personal training sessions and group personal training Toning and Cardio sessions at his Personal Training Studio, which is a wonderful alternative to a Brisbane Gym.
Helfi Joe is obviously a fully certified Master personal trainer with the Australian Institute of Fitness, and is fully registered with our governing body Health and Fitness Australia. He also has a background in managing and mentoring people for over 20 years and with such people and personal development experience combined with his technical expertise in health and fitness, you can be rest assured Helfi Joe will give you the best guidance for you goals.
To contact Helfi Joe for training, education or to have him speak at an event please email [email protected].
P.S. – If you enjoyed this post please share it with your friends using the social media buttons below.
P.P.S. – Please ask a question or share a comment with us in the Comment section at the very bottom of the page. We love your feedback and will use it to develop future blog posts.