This is not a theory or possibility - it’s a fact. You as the consumer have a right to know the facts behind what goes into your body. Maybe you figure that what you don’t know won’t worry you, once you know about this, you may think otherwise...
The Origins: You’ve heard of cuts of beef, right? You know them as Chuck, T-bone, Sirloin, Round, Rib-eye, and Flank. You've seen them in their whole form, at the supermarket or butcher's. You know exactly what you're getting because you can see it.
When the steer is broken down so that these sections of meat can be obtained, remnants (other tissues) are left. These leftover “trimmings” are unsightly. Have you ever seen medical anatomy photos? You can see the muscle, and then there’s this whitish, yellowish, tattered stuff.
Well, much of the “trimmings” are made up of connective tissue, cartilage and bone. The sinewy “trimmings” mostly come from between the solid chunks of meat and the guts of the cow. The Australian beef industry wants to sell as much of the steer as possible.
These trimmings are made into dog food, no technology added. This is because the stomach and bowels of dogs can handle a lot more insult than a humans can. The same stuff that's used for dog food gets used for human food, but not before technology gets involved.
The unsightly chunks of sinew, cartilage, bone, fascia and other musculoskeletal system innards are tossed into a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins around so fast that the centrifugal force separates the fat from whatever actual meat there is in the trimmings.
The product, minus the separated fat, is bathed in ammonia and water to remove pathogens like E. coli. The pinkish slimy looking gunk is then drained and fed through a machine that churns out what appears to be ground beef.
The cheapest parts of this process literally goes to the dogs. What’s left after that ends up in people food? Governments around the world can allow beef to contain up to 15% of this pink slime.
Don’t assume that the next package of ground beef, chuck or sirloin that you see doesn’t have any slime in it just because the package doesn’t list ammonia as an ingredient; the authorities do not require the beef industry to list ammonia as an ingredient. Thus, you can be ingesting pink slime and ammonia and not even know it. It’s reportedly in around 70 percent of ground beef products.
You can avoid pink slime by avoiding fast food burgers, you just don’t know what’s in them. If you want ground meat, ask a butcher to grind up a whole cut right before your eyes.
To find out what else you may be eating without even knowing it, and to help rid your body of the harmful toxins that come with it, join us in our 21-Day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean Challenge.
Helfi Joe
Helfi Joe, is the Owner & Chief Fitness Officer of Health and Fitness Australia of in Brisbane Southside, located in
Stones Corner. He also runs personal training sessions and group personal training Toning and Cardio sessions at his Personal Training Studio, which is a wonderful alternative to a Brisbane Gym.
Helfi Joe is obviously a fully certified Master personal trainer with the Australian Institute of Fitness, and is fully registered with our governing body Health and Fitness Australia. He also has a background in managing and mentoring people for over 20 years and with such people and personal development experience combined with his technical expertise in health and fitness, you can be rest assured Helfi Joe will give you the best guidance for you goals.
To contact Helfi Joe for training, education or to have him speak at an event please email [email protected].
P.S. – If you enjoyed this post please share it with your friends using the social media buttons below.
P.P.S. – Please ask a question or share a comment with us in the Comment section at the very bottom of the page. We love your feedback and will use it to develop future blog posts.
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This is not a theory or possibility - it’s a fact. You as the consumer have a right to know the facts behind what goes into your body. Maybe you figure that what you don’t know won’t worry you, once you know about this, you may think otherwise...
The Origins: You’ve heard of cuts of beef, right? You know them as Chuck, T-bone, Sirloin, Round, Rib-eye, and Flank. You've seen them in their whole form, at the supermarket or butcher's. You know exactly what you're getting because you can see it.
When the steer is broken down so that these sections of meat can be obtained, remnants (other tissues) are left. These leftover “trimmings” are unsightly. Have you ever seen medical anatomy photos? You can see the muscle, and then there’s this whitish, yellowish, tattered stuff.
Well, much of the “trimmings” are made up of connective tissue, cartilage and bone. The sinewy “trimmings” mostly come from between the solid chunks of meat and the guts of the cow. The Australian beef industry wants to sell as much of the steer as possible.
These trimmings are made into dog food, no technology added. This is because the stomach and bowels of dogs can handle a lot more insult than a humans can. The same stuff that's used for dog food gets used for human food, but not before technology gets involved.
The unsightly chunks of sinew, cartilage, bone, fascia and other musculoskeletal system innards are tossed into a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins around so fast that the centrifugal force separates the fat from whatever actual meat there is in the trimmings.
The product, minus the separated fat, is bathed in ammonia and water to remove pathogens like E. coli. The pinkish slimy looking gunk is then drained and fed through a machine that churns out what appears to be ground beef.
The cheapest parts of this process literally goes to the dogs. What’s left after that ends up in people food? Governments around the world can allow beef to contain up to 15% of this pink slime.
Don’t assume that the next package of ground beef, chuck or sirloin that you see doesn’t have any slime in it just because the package doesn’t list ammonia as an ingredient; the authorities do not require the beef industry to list ammonia as an ingredient. Thus, you can be ingesting pink slime and ammonia and not even know it. It’s reportedly in around 70 percent of ground beef products.
You can avoid pink slime by avoiding fast food burgers, you just don’t know what’s in them. If you want ground meat, ask a butcher to grind up a whole cut right before your eyes.
To find out what else you may be eating without even knowing it, and to help rid your body of the harmful toxins that come with it, join us in our 21-Day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean Challenge.
Helfi Joe
Helfi Joe, is the Owner & Chief Fitness Officer of Health and Fitness Australia of in Brisbane Southside, located in
Stones Corner. He also runs personal training sessions and group personal training Toning and Cardio sessions at his Personal Training Studio, which is a wonderful alternative to a Brisbane Gym.
Helfi Joe is obviously a fully certified Master personal trainer with the Australian Institute of Fitness, and is fully registered with our governing body Health and Fitness Australia. He also has a background in managing and mentoring people for over 20 years and with such people and personal development experience combined with his technical expertise in health and fitness, you can be rest assured Helfi Joe will give you the best guidance for you goals.
To contact Helfi Joe for training, education or to have him speak at an event please email [email protected].
P.S. – If you enjoyed this post please share it with your friends using the social media buttons below.
P.P.S. – Please ask a question or share a comment with us in the Comment section at the very bottom of the page. We love your feedback and will use it to develop future blog posts.
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