Wow, the response and interest for our 21 Day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean Challenge has been TREMENDOUS!
If you’re STILL SITTING ON THE FENCE, I thought I’d provide you with our TOP 12 FAQ list based on what people have been asking me all week…
#1: Do I have to be a current client of HEALTH AND FITNESS AUSTRALIA?
Answer: No. :-) We have several past and never-been clients joining us. We even have wonderful people that have joined from interstate and overseas.
#2: I’m not in the right head space now!
I know we all go through this many times in our lives… The key is not to let it take over your health and fitness to the point where you go way off track… You still need to eat, right? Perhaps eating clean will help put you in the right head space. It’s not that hard!
How frustrated are you with how you feel and look right now? If you need to change, then do it! If you find that you can’t stop complaining to yourself and others that you are not happy with yourself, then I suggest that regardless of whether you are in the right head space or not, you need to make a change!!! The support you will receive with the 21 days Spring Clean challenge, goes beyond what you will expect!!!
#3: Will preparing recipes and meals take longer?
Simply put, its not the time cooking and preparing that should change, it’s the quality of food that changes!!!
If you already spend a little time shopping, preparing and cooking meals (and I hope you are!), then the 21 Day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean will be easy. The only difference is the quality and type of food.
If you are eating out most of the time and not preparing meals at home, chances are your diet is way off track, and you are going to struggle whether you do the detox challenge or not – because your healthy choices are simply limited based on take out eating options. There is a high chance your diet is high in fats, salt, sugars/high GI carbs, harmful wheat, corn, soy, highly processed and high in calories… If you are this person, you need to seriously consider a lifestyle change and our 21 day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean is a great start. Especially given the support you will receive.
#4: How is it different to Lite N Easy, Weight Watchers, Tony Ferguson or other detox’s?
What I have found with most of my clients who have tried these before and had a number of frustrations with them – for example, not liking the foods, too costly, not being able to keep it going for long.
THE BIGGEST FRUSTRATION OF ALL, is nearly all have put on weight again later down the track… That’s because they relied on a program that puts food in their mouth without really making proper sustainable lifestyle changes, and learning health cooking options. There is a lack of knowledge, understanding, empowerment, as well as a lack of support. And that’s why they go backwards – they haven’t really learnt anything! Any they lose confidence in themselves!
The 21 Day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean is an honest kick start to empowerment for healthy lifestyle aimed at showing you how easy it is to EAT CLEAN, GET LEAN and FEEL AMAZING!! It is something that can be continued long term.
#5: I don’t eat certain food because I’m Allergic, Intolerant, Vegetarian, etc
The 21 day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean is designed to help you improve your health by eliminating addictive and inflammatory foods so that you body can cleanse and reset itself in a cleaner healthier state… Many allergens are derived from diet imbalances and this will help stabilize you…
In saying that, this program is friendly for people who cannot consume gluten, diary, eggs, nuts, lactose, etc. Also if you are vegetarian or don’t eat certain meats, this program can be adapted to you too…
#6: Is my food bill going to go up?
I don’t know why people think that eating good clean healthy food is more expensive than inflammatory addictive foods… All I can say is this, I will be surprised if you don’t save on your food bill.
#7: Should my partner or family do it too?
If they need help and support, I say yes!!! This is what makes it unique, not only the solution, but the support systems we have put in place too! Doing it on their own, may not work, doing it with support exponentially increases their chances of success…
#8: When do I have to start and do I have to do 21 days straight?
The challenge is for 21 days and we have chosen to give everyone an option to complete it during a 6 week window starting from next week… Many of the participants will start straight away, while others will start a little later in the month, because of certain engagements…
Sticking to the program for the full 21 days is going to give you the best outcome, but if you cant at the moment due to certain circumstances and events (eg, birthdays, celebrations, etc), you can still achieve amazing results. This program will teach you how to deal with these situations better and how to strategically stick as close to it as possible when circumstances are out of your hands.
The most important thing to remember too is, you are going to learn how to EAT CLEAN, GET LEAN and FEEL AMAZING, that will be useful to you for the rest of your life. That’s why everyone should do it!!!
#9: Do I have to drink some weird concoction that tastes awful?
Answer: NO! This isn’t about blasting your system and spending your weekend on the toilet.
The 21-Day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean Challenge is more of what is termed an “elimination diet.” The idea is to pull out certain foods that are both addictive and toxic to your body. That’s not to say you can’t ever eat them again. No, we just want to give your body a break so it can heal itself internally. When that happens we see people lose incredible amounts of weight and see huge bursts of energy!
Once the 21 Days is over, we show you how to introduce the “other” foods back in a healthier way, rather than jump back on them.
#10: Do I have to take any extra supplements?
Answer: NO, you don’t have to. You may already be taking a good multi-vitamin, krill oil and a probiotic – that’s just good nutritional sense. If you would like to maximize your health and weight-loss, please ask us about our world class Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing supplements.
#11: What can I eat?
Let me say from the onset, this is NOT A STARVATION TYPE OF DETOX… It’s more of a healthy balanced clean eating lifestyle program. Whenever I look at people food journals, there nearly always seems to be an imbalance of inflammatory foods, fats, proteins, sugars and carbohydrates. To make matters worse, they think they are eating healthy!!!
There are plenty of delicious, everyday, common foods that you can eat. There are a lot of awesome recipes that you and your family are going to love! This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options. I have been fortunate enough to be the guinea pig and lost 25 kgs previously. So I’m a pretty happy camper! :-)
#12: Why are you only charging $29?
Yes. I’ve gotten this one a bunch. “If the program is so great, why is it so cheap?” Honestly, there are four reasons:
1. By running a challenge and having everyone do it together, it is possible to subsidize it to $29.
2. The 21-Day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean Challenge is VERY DIFFERENT from what most of our clients have ever done before; probably, you, too. We didn’t want to scare anyone off with a price that was more in line with the value ($199.95)
3. We REALLY want people to experience this. We’ve had such amazing results with it, that we want all of our clients and readers to get the same results.
4. Honestly, for our members it’s a great service that will give them great results and keep them coming back. And, for non-members it’s a great service that shows the value of what we do here at Health and Fitness Australia.
After this challenge the price will go up to $99, so if you are still toying with the idea of whether to do it or not, then $29 to kick start some great new lifestyle eating habits should be a great incentive.
Hopefully, I answered your questions and eased any hesitation you may have with joining us for the 21-Day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean.
If you still have a question, Please let me know.
Seriously, we want YOU to do the nutritional rebalance Spring Clean Challenge with us. :-)
P.S. – Registration for the 21-Day Nutrition Rebalance Spring Clean Challenge closes Monday. If you're local and looking to give your Fitness Goal a Boost, Check this out!
P.P.S. – We’re going to record the Workshop so don’t let not being able to attend hold you back. We’ll have it available for you the next day to watch. :-)
Helfi Joe
Helfi Joe, is the Owner & Chief Fitness Officer of Health and Fitness Australia in Brisbane Southside, located in Stones Corner. He also runs personal training sessions and group personal training Toning and Cardio sessions at his Personal Training Studio, which is a wonderful alternative to a Brisbane Gym.
Helfi Joe is obviously a fully certified Master personal trainer with the Australian Institute of Fitness, and is fully registered with our governing body Health and Fitness Australia. He also has a background in managing and mentoring people for over 20 years and with the people and personal development experience combined with his technical expertise in health and fitness, you can be rest assured Helfi Joe will give you the best guidance for your goals.
To contact Helfi Joe for training, education or to have him speak at an event please email [email protected].
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