More is NOT Better – Rest is VITAL!!!
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By the way, if you have any family or friends that you may like to share any of our special offers with, please let them know about it asap or ask them to call us on 07 3847 7546. Due to our large member base, we can only offer limited spots for special promotions, so better let them know quick...
Coaching Summary Tips - More is NOT Better – Rest is VITAL!!
Longer Training Sessions DOES NOT mean faster results
Did you know that about 70% of calories are burnt at rest?
And, about 15% of calories are burnt with Planned/Incidental Exercise
And about 15% of calories are burnt with Thermogensis/Eating.
Over Training Is NOT Worth The Time & Effort!!!
We have been conditioned to think, believe and feel that more is better, but there is danger with this
Warning – Lack of Sleep is BAD
If your goal is to lose weight and fat burning, then rest and recovery is VITAL…
Aim for about 7-9 hours of quality regular sleep
Did you know that 30 minutes of the right type of exercise only 1 or 2 times a week is effective?
Go for quality exercise, not quantity, to reduce risk of injuries and yoyo effect on results - Our Programs Are Tailored on this Untapped Principle!!!
Turn Your Goal into Action